Minutes of the
JUNE 30th & July 1st, 2022
Virtual Conference

Saturday, June 30, 2022
Conference called to order at 10:07 A.M.
by Jessica Kunttu, President of  the Southern Conference
President Kunttu welcomes the delegates to our virtual conference. The meeting was called to order at 10:07a.m., a motion was made by Laura Ross to approve the minutes on Sunday due to a power outage that made it difficult to get the minutes finished. The motion was second by Marta Bradley and approved by the delegates.
Preside Kunttu welcomes the delegates to the conference and does an Invocation of
Dignitaries and guests are
From the AFM:
International President            Ray Hair
International VP            Bruce Fife   
International Re    p           Steve Begnoche
International Sec/Treas.        Jay Blumenthal
IEB                     Ed Malaga
IEB                    Dave Pomeroy 
IEB                    Terryl Jares
IEB                     John Acosta
SSD                     Rochelle Skolnick
Legislative Director               Alfonso Pollard       
Director of Freelance                 Wages Argott
International REP                        Steve Begnoche      
New Delegates are recognized.
President Kunttu invites President Ray Hair to speak to the delegates. President Hair begins by asking everyone to start with a moment of silence for Pat Varriale, in remembrance of his Forty-eight years of service to the AFM.
President Hair reminds us that we have been weathering the effects of the pandemic for three years now, he tells us of how it has changed our industry. We have had to come up with new ideas that will enable us to keep moving forward.
President Kunttu invites Secretary-Treasurer Blumenthal to speak. With a big smile Jay says good morning to all and tells how proud he is to be an honorary member of the Southern Conference. He told us that we have been on a roller coaster ride because of the pandemic.
Alfonso Pollard, Legislative Director, and Director of Diversity, tells how he and Ray have worked together along with Jay, on Capitol Hill, trying to get legislation thru that will benefit members of the AFM. He thanks members of Local 161-710 for their help whenever he needs backup on the hill, Local 161-710 always comes thru.
S/T Lovie Smith-Wright and Alfonso Pollard tells the delegates about the various projects the Diversity Committee have been working on. The 100% funding for Juneteenth Celebrations was a project that materialized out of a discussion with the AFM Diversity Committee and MPTF Trustee, Dan Beck
President Kunttu invites Wages Argott, Director of Freelance Services to speak.
After a short afternoon break, President Kunttu turns the conference over to Vice President Aaron Lack, who moderated a Music Performance Trust Fund Panel. Speakers were Dan Beck, MPTF Trustee, Vidrey Blackburn, Samantha Ramos, and Nataly Natylin Beaty From MPTF. Local Officers who participated were DanCerveny of Local 70-558, Marta Bradley of Local 161-710 and Alex Navarro, Local 65-699.
After the MPTF Presentation, The Conference adjourns for the day.
President Kunttu  called the meeting to order at 10:03a.m. A motion to approved the 2022 amended minutes was made, MSC.
President Kunttu invites Rochelle Skolnick, Director of SSD, to gives us an update on how various orchestras are getting thru the pandemic. She mentioned two new items: Local 23, San Antonio Symphony had filed for Chapter 7, Bankruptcy, and after eight years the AFM settled unfair labor practices with the Colorado Symphony.
After a short break the conferences reconvenes.
Delegate reports:
The Finance Committee: Aaron reads the report and recommends its approval. MSC Adopted
Bylaws: Bruce Schultz:  Proposed The Bylaws Amended Substitute proposal for Article III was approved. MSC Adopted
Credentials Committee: Gary Williams - 31 delegates 19 locals present, 45 Delegates, 18 Guests, 14 AFM & MPTF Guests. MSC Adopted
Resolutions: Nathan Nix- nothing to report
Diversity Committee: Deborah Dansby Wells, MSC adopted
Appreciations: Andy Bruck Chair, MSC Adopted
TEMPO: Nicole Bogatz
$974 -16 donations – MSC Adopted
Local #    City                     Delegates
23 San Antonio    Joan Carroll
    Richard Oppenheim
65-699 Houston    Sharon Montgomery
    Lovie Smith-Wright
    Yvonne Smith
    Alex Navarro
71 Memphis    Nathan Nix
    Saundra D’Amato
72 –147 Dallas Ft Worth    Stewart Williams
    Aaron Pino
    Ken Krause
80 Chattanooga    Joey Demko
94 Tulsa    Bruce Schultz
116 Shreveport    John Howe
123 Richmond    George Tuckwiller II
    David Hartley
125 Norfolk    Linda Dennis
148-462 Atlanta    Bruce Kenney
    Brian Desarro
161-710 Washington, DC    Marta Bradley
    Sharon Wolfolk
    Peter deBoor
    Sharon Wolfolk
174-496 New Orleans    Deacon John Moore
    Tracy Griffin
    Timothy David Ray
256-733 Birmingham    Michael Bradt
257 Nashville    Dave Pomeroy
    Laura Ross
    Vince Santoro
297 Wichita    Kevin Findley
342 Charlotte    Elizabeth Pistolesi
375-703 Oklahoma City    Kate Pritchett
    Michael Mann
389 Orlando    Sam Zambito
    Deborah Dansby Wells
    Mike Avila
427-721 St Petersburg    Richard Sparrow
433    Nicole Bogatz
    Aaron Lack
444 Jacksonville    Andy Bruck
    Brad Buckley
500 Raleigh    Jessica Kunttu
555 Puerto Rico    Miguel Trinidad
    Jose Rivera
655 Miami    Jeffrey Apana
    Charles Reskin
674 Covington    Gary Williams
777 Biloxi    Helen June

Closing Remarks by President Kunttu
Adjourned at 1:17 PM