2023 Meeting of the Southern Conference of Locals
Westgate Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada

Day One, June 24, 2023
The meeting of the Southern Conference of Locals was called to order at 10:05 am by President Jessica Kunttu. As the minutes had not been distributed, President Kunttu moved that approval of the minutes be postponed until the next day, and there were no objections. There was a motion to approve the agenda, which was adopted. President Kunttu appointed Richard Sparrow as Sergeant at Arms. President Kunttu gave her opening remarks, including a reading of the AFM mission statement. Secretary-Treasurer Lovie Smith-Wright assumed the chair. She recognized IR Begnoche and IEB member Pomeroy and read the committee assignments. President Kunttu assumed the chair and assigned delegates to small groups, which then met separately to discuss MPTF, recording contracts, diversity, freelance services, and community building. The morning session recessed for a lunch break.

The meeting resumed in the afternoon for a joint session with the Eastern Conferenceof Locals. President Kunttu recognised AFM President Hair, who gave a report. President Kunttu recognised AFM Secretary-Treasurer Blumenthal, who gave a report. President Kunttu recognised AFM Legislative Director Pollard, who gave a report. President Kunttu recognised Symphonic Services Director Skolnick, who gave a report. The meeting recessed at 3:05 pm for a break. The meeting resumed at 3:15 pm at which time President Kunttu recognised Tracey Whitney and Edmund Velasco, who gave a presentation on race and diversity. Day one of the conference was adjourned at 5 pm.

Day Two, Sunday, June 25, 2023
The Second day of the 2023 meeting of the Southern Conference of Locals was called to order at 10:11 am by President Jessica Kunttu, who then thanked delegates for their work on the previous day. She noted that she neglected to call for the Pledge of Allegiance on the previous day and recognized Vice President Aaron Lack, who led the Conference in the Pledge.
President Kunttu recognized TEMPO committee chair Stewart Williams (L72-147), who encouraged delegates to make donations to TEMPO and gave them instructions on how to do so.
Delegate Williams made an announcement about the time and location of the Texas Conference meeting.
President Kunttu recognized EMSD Director John Painting, who gave an overview of locally administered recording agreements, including the Joint Venture Agreement, the Single Song Overdub Agreement, and the Limited Pressing Agreement, during which time International Representative Steve Begnoche commented on licensing issues and  Executive Officer Dave Pomeroy commented on the origins of the Single Song Overdub Agreement. Painting also answered questions about covered work for Americans recording overseas and internationals recording in the U.S.
At 10:58 AM President Kunttu called for a break.

The session resumed at 11:15 AM, at which time President Kunttu recognized TEMPO committee chair Stewart Williams (L72-147), who again encouraged delegates to make donations. 
President Kunttu asked new delegates to introduce themselves, and the Conference was introduced to Gus Weaver (L375-703), Blair Robbins (L433), Joe Carrasquillo (L555), Stephanie Magnus (L444), Amy Conley (L362-691), and Tihda Vongkoth (L427-721).
President Kunttu recognized Delegate Stewart Williams (L72-147), who gave the MPTF small group report.
President Kunttu recognized Delegate Jeffrey Apana (L655), who gave the recording small group report. The group made a recommendation that the AFM create a recording educational pamphlet for musicians, that SOCO delegates promote said pamphlet to its musicians, and that the AFM study recording industry compliance. Executive Officer Pomeroy commented that the AFM is working on a toolkit. International Vice President Bruce Fife commented that musicians have a responsibility to make wise choices.
President Kunttu recognized IR Begnoche, who gave the making space for diversity small group report.
President Kunttu recognized Delegate Sharon Montgomery (L65-699), who gave the community building small group report. Montgomery reported to the Conference on internal community building and group member and conference guest Hannah Kuhn (L6) reported on external community building.
President Kunttu thanked the small groups for their reports and asked if the reports could be put in writing.
President Kunttu recognized Secretary Smith-Wright, who presented the minutes for the 2022 meeting of the Conference. Corrections were offered by Smith-Wright, Peter de Boor (L161-710), Patty Hurd (L161-710), Michael Bradt (L256-733), and IR Begnoche. A motion was made and adopted to approve the minutes.
Secretary Smith-Wright assumed the chair and called for committee reports.
Delegate Jeffrey Apana (L655) presented the report of the finance committee and moved its adoption. The motion carried.
Delegate Bruce Schultz (L94) reported that there was no report from the Bylaw Committee as no amendments had been proposed.
Delegate Laura Ross (L257) reported for the resolutions committee and moved the following resolution:
Resolved, to recommend creation of an AFM educational one-sheet pamphlet to publicize examples of revenue streams and protections provided by working on the card by using Federation agreements that can be disseminated to Locals and members, and
be it further resolved that the AFM study label compliance and musician awareness of the various agreements available.
The motion carried.
President Kunttu recognized Delegate Patty Hurd (L161-710), who gave the report of the diversity committee and moved its acceptance. The motion carried.
President Kunttu recognized Delegates Sharon Montgomery (L65-699) and Sam Zambito (L389), who presented the report of the appreciations committee and moved its acceptance. The motion carried.
President Kunttu recognized Delegate Stewart Williams (L72-147), who reported that delegates had collectively donated $1,116 to TEMPO during the Conference and moved acceptance of the report. The motion carried.
VP Lack assumed the chair.
VP Lack called for nominations for the position of Secretary for the 2023-2025 term of office. Delegate Aaron Pino (L72-147) nominated Delegate Jeffrey Apana (L655). Given no other nominations, VP Lack declared Apana elected by acclamation.
VP Lack called for nominations for the position of Vice President for the 2023-2025 term of office. Delegate Stewart Williams (L72-147) nominated Delegate Jessica Kunttu (L500). Given no other nominations, VP Lack declared Kunttu elected by acclamation.
President Kunttu assumed the chair and recognized Secretary Smith-Wright on a point of personal privilege. Smith-Wright announced her retirement from the Southern Conference. Smith-Wright presented President Kunttu with a plaque for her service as president.
In response to a question, President Kunttu noted that our Bylaws state that the VP shall “automatically become the next President at the conclusion of his/her term of office and shall serve a two-year term as President.”
International VP Fife swore in the newly elected officers.
President Lack assumed the chair and gave thanks and closing statements.
The Conference was adjourned at 12:36 PM.
approved                        Jeffrey Apana, Secretary