2024 SOCO Finance Committee Report

Finance Committee: Marta Bradley (ST Local 161-710, Metro. Washington D.C.), Aaron Pino (Local 72-147, Dallas-Fort Worth), Nathan Shew (Local 80, Chattanooga/Huntsville), Sam Zambito (Local 389, Orlando)
The FY for Southern Conference is June 1 – May 31, 2024.
Reconciled Balance as of May 31,2024:
(Balance reported by Southern Conference ST Jeffrey Apana as of 6/23/24): $19,146

Interest earned
$ 31.28
Per Capita $ 6,052.00
Registration $ 5,700.00
Total Income $ 11,783.28


Audio Visual $ 1,856.16
Food & Beverage  $ 4,889.64
Conference $ 2,700.00
Conf. Total $ 9,445.80
Honorarium $ 1,500.00
Office Supplies $ 257.07
Shipping/Mail $ 158.12
Travel $ 303.86
Total Expense $ 11,664.85

The expected expenses of the 2024 Conference are as follows:

The expected remaining balance will be approximately $12,500.
The committee would like to note that ST Jeffrey Apana has taken a great amount of time to enter the past 8 years of Southern Conference finances into QuickBooks in order to maintain detailed records. He  has also filed for an FEIN and in turn, the AFM has corresponded with
IRS to confirm that the Southern Conference is a conference of the AFM and therefore eligible for Tax Exempt Status.
The committee finds the records are correct and in order.
The committee further finds that 33 locals have paid their Per CapitaDues as of the finalization of this report on June 23, 2024, and there
are 11 locals designated to the Southern Conference who have not paid Per Capita dues. These locals have been contacted by ST Jeff
Apana and the Southern Conference International Representative has been contacted to clarify affiliation of those locals.

ST Apana has pursued extensive cost saving measures to realize the current surplus. Given the surplus, the committee weighed the practicality of a more equitable dues structure but elected to revisit this at a later conference.

This is the finding of the Finance Committee and is respectfully submitted. Special recognition must be afforded to Marta Bradley for her fastidious attention to detail and her unwavering high standards.

Chairperson Sam Zambito