AFM Southern Conference of Locals

2024 Conference

Date: June 22-23, 2024
Location: Holiday Inn Austin (TX) Town Lake

Hotel Information
Local Reports
Minutes from 2023 Meeting
Committee Assignments
Local Reports Submitted


Airport Shuttle: Once you have collected your luggage, please call our hotel directly at (512) 472-8211; Press Zero (0) to speak with the operator and request your pick-up from our front desk staff. For those of you driving, please note that the hotel also has free parking.

AFM Officer Training Sessions: June 20-21, 2024 at the Conference hotel
"The first day will be focused on post-pandemic life as a local officer, daily coping skills. A large part will be about creating a respectful culture, recognizing implicit bias, how to have difficult conversations with members, things like that. The second day will be on duty of fair representation, the law and the realities; grievance and arbitration, ins and outs, pitfalls to avoid; negotiations, preparing your members and your positions, presented by Rochelle Skolnick, and then a broad overview of recording contracts for all locals; a checklist for getting things done right; with Q&A, presented by EMSD Director John Painting."


You can register for the conference here.

You can download the registration for the officer training here.

Please note the officer training registration deadline is May 2 and we would appreciate it if you register for the Conference by then as well.


File your Local report here.
Find instructions and a sample Local report here.


Minutes from the 2023 Meeting

Bylaw Amendments

Full Agenda